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Life at UCR


While I don't have an established portfolio yet with Life at UCR, I can still provide insight as to how I was able to get the position for Social Media Marketing. In my final interview with them, I was tasked with presenting my approach on a post for Highlander Day, a day dedicated to showcasing the UCR campus to freshmen and transfers. The mindset behind this post was finding a way to necessitate Highlander Day and create a sense of urgency for those who aren't already interested in attending Highlander Day. In doing this, I fragmented all of the necessary information into three Instagram posts, one post initiating the topic of Highlander Day, another post containing the majority of information regarding the point of attending and a final post, showing the logistics if you plan on attending, but with the underlying intentions of reminding those who haven't already signed up to RSVP, without being overwhelming and possibly annoying followers.

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